
use of technology

Page history last edited by Kathy 14 years ago

 Use of Technology


The advances in technology have created opportunities to reach learners through digital means.  Playaways, electronic readers and other devices reach otherwise reluctant readers.  As we navigate through the new digital age, school librarians must make curricular and collection decisions about what types of technology to incorporate in their libraries.


Digital Networks


Grant Information


Web 2.0 Tools



Digital Networking


Digital networks will be used to further the educational goals and objectives. Through electronic information and communication tools, an unprecedented, worldwide, diverse array of resources is now available in schools and classrooms to support and enrich the curriculum. Knowing how to access this wealth of information and how to communicate electronically are fundamental skills in the world in which our students will be citizens and employees. By facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication, digital networks promote educational excellence.  Students are able to contribute to the collection, analysis, and dissemination of knowledge.  Using resources on computer networks and the Internet can be an effective learning tool and motivator for students that encourages independent and critical thinking. 


FCPS Library Media Program Handbook, Reg. No. 400-73


Technology Guides

Technology Handbook

Technical Services Policy Manual

 Technology in School Library Checklist


Grant Information


AASL Research Grant

"AASL Research Grants are given to one or more school librarians, library educators, library information science or education professors to conduct innovative research aimed at measuring and evaluating the impact of school library programs on learning and education. The study should have the potential to serve as a model for future school library research, and researchers should furnish documentation of the results of their work." 


Innovative Reading Grant

"The stated purpose of this award is to support the planning and implementation of a unique and innovative program for children that motivates and encourages reading, especially with struggling readers. The award is for $2,500."


Information Technology Grant

ALA Award of up to $1,000 to recognize and honor a school librarian demonstrating vision and leadership through the use of information technology to build lifelong learners.


Amigos Fellowship and Opportunity Award Program 

Supports library innovation, development, and research. Through a competitive application process, up to $7,500 is available to Amigos member libraries and their staffs to fund projects that stress innovation, cooperation, leadership, and development of libraries and librarians. 





E-Book Summit - Sponsored by Library Journal and School Library Journal

  • In September 2010, SLJ and LJ cosponsored a virtual summit centered on the growing E-Books and E-Readers trends.
  • Visit the website at the above link to read more about the 2010 summit and the upcoming 2011 summit.
  • The 2011 E-Book Virtual Summit will be held on October 12, 2011 from ten a.m. to six p.m. 


"You Have to Be In It to Win It!" by Brian Kenney (School Library Journal - in bibliography)

Kenney's article, published in the September 2010 issue of School Library Journal, is a short, but enthusiastic article about the growing popularity of E-Readers. Kenney practically demands that all school librarians begin to immediately look into how they can integrate E-Readers into their library. His comments are humorous and definitily highlight reasons why school librarians may be hesitant to take that next step into reading-technology. He highlights seven recommendations for school librarians:

  • "Take the plunge" (11). All school librarians should buy an E-Reader for personal use or one for experimental use in the library.
  • Purchase small collections of E-Readers for checkout or in-house library use. Gauge student and teacher interest.
  •  Begin experimenting with advocacy programs for E-Readers. Sponsor some programs in the library to help initiate users to the ease and accessibility of E-Readers.
  • "Keep an eye on innovation" (11). Kenney encourages school librarians, as they do with everything else, to stay on top of the burgeoning technology surrounding E-Books and E-Readers. Many electronic book publishers are enhancing stories with links, pictures, animation, interactivity and sound.  
  • Begin dialogues with book publishers and distributors. Education is an ideal situation for E-Readers. Find the publishers and distributors who are willing to help you build an E-Reader collection while staying within your budget.
  • Become the E-Reader expert at your school. Use E-Readers to pull teachers and students into your library program. 
  • Have fun! The technology of E-Readers is innovative and may just be the thing for some reluctant or not-so-reluctant readers in your school!


AASL - E-Readers


Other E-Readers Resources:




Web 2.0 Tools


Web 2.0 tools are tools that enable students to publish content on the Internet.  It is a collaborative place where people can interact.  Some call it the participatory web.  Students can not only read the web but write on it. Examples are blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networking, and other sites that allow students to post their work.

FCPS Library Media Program Handbook, Reg. No. 400-73 


A few of ALA's "Top 25 Websites for Teaching and Learning":


  • VoiceThread: a collaborative, multimedia slideshow that holds images, documents, and videos
  • Glogster Edu: a great source that enables users to combine text, image, music, and video all on one poster
  • Prezi: a site which allows users to collaborate in order to create engaging presentations
  • TED: a non-profit committed to sharing powerful ideas
  • Exploratree: a free resource where users can access interactive graphic organizers





Databases are typically purchased for the entire county, however school librarians may choose to purchase specific databases that their county does not provide.  They are typically purchased on a yearly subscription basis.  Databases provide simultaneous multi-user information that is accurate, relevant, and reviewed.  Unlike print reference materials, online databases are updated immediately with the most current and accurate information.  Many online databases have special features to assist all learners, including text readers and differentiated levels of text.  Students receive login and password information from the school librarian which allows them access from outside the school.



Databases Commonly Found in School Libraries

From Howard County School Library Media Website


ABC-CLIO American Government - Daily UPI Washington news, political cartoons for analysis, and political commentaries help students learn about different viewpoints.


Auto Repair Reference Center - Includes more than 34,000 vehicles covered from 1945 to present, nearly 850,000 drawings and step-by-step photographs, approximately 86,600 technical service bulletins & recalls issued by the original equipment vehicle manufacturer, over 158,600 enhanced wiring diagrams for easy viewing and printing, specifications & maintenance schedules. New repair procedures and updates are continually added to the product. All of the content in Auto Repair Reference Center has been created by ASE certified technicians.

- Concise, reliable, and up-to date country reports on 182 world cultures


History Reference Center - History Reference Center® features full text for more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books. The database also includes full text for more than 150 leading history periodicals Further, the database contains nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 37,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video.


MasterFile Premier- Designed specifically for public libraries, MasterFILE Premier contains full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals covering general reference, business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and much more.

- Generate, edit, and publish an MLA Works Cited list or APA References list using NoodleBib.


Science Reference Center™ is a comprehensive research database that provides easy access to a multitude of full-text science-oriented content.


SIRS Decades - More than 5,000 primary and secondary source articles highlighting key events, movements, people, and places in 20th-century America


SIRS Discoverer  - Easily retrievable full-text articles from approximately 1,200 newpapers, magazines, and U.S. government documents; includes World Almanac for Kids


SIRS Knowledge Source - Thousands of full-text articles from domestic and international sources exploring social, scientific, health, historic, business, economic, political, and global issues


TeachingBooks.net - is a timesaving portal to thousands of online resources of book-related resources you can use to explore children and young adult books and their authors.  It provides immediate access to useful materials and exciting programs (short movies, audio book readings, book discussion guides, and more) that add a multimedia dimension to reading in the classroom, library media center, and home.


Turnitin.com - Recognized worldwide as the standard in online plagiarism prevention, Turnitin helps students take full advantage of the internet's educational potential. See your classroom teacher for login information.

World Book Online
- This is the online version of this popular encyclopedia.


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