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Program and Personnel Evaluations


Evaluations provide the opportunity to periodically collect and analyze data. Evaluations may be on the teaching and administrative practices of the school librarian, and/or the facility. It is important to know how evaluations are conducted in your district so you are prepared with the information you need. Remember that the purposes of evaluations are to help improve the library services offered to the school. 



Howard County

Carroll County

Frederick County





Self- evaluation is a time for the librarian to reflect on what he or she did well, things that can be improved and strategies for improvement. The school librarian should evaluate his or her goals, organization, communication, and policies. Self-evaluation can also take place in the form of feedback and surveys from the school community. 


Helpful links for library evaluation

SLM Evaluation Word Doc for FCPS



Howard County

At the beginning of each year, the library media specialist and the principal will complete a Professional Development and Evaluation Objectives Form:


Appendix D of School Library Media Specialists

Elementary School

Middle School

High School


The principal will use the information on this form, in conjunction with portfolio development, peer coaching plans, and/or formal and informal observations throughout the year, to make the annual evaluation of the library media specialist. The Howard County Public Schools Teacher Evaluation Form will normally be used for this evaluation.



Carroll County


Personnel Evaluation:

The school librarian is evaluated on planning, instruction and services, and program administration. Tenured teachers may choose the Differentiated Supervision as an evaluation option. 


Teachers choosing the Differentiated Supervision option put together a professional portfolio with artifacts which reflect your learning and its impact on student achievement. Artifacts include, but are not limited to; lesson plans, teaching units, photographs, video of lessons or student performances, sample assessments/rubrics, student feedback, observation data, and parental feedback.


Media Evaluation:

All school librarians participate in an ongoing evaluation of the media program. The evaluation process follows a four-year cycle.



  1. The year prior to an on sight visit, the school librarian must gather data and documentation for each of the Standards for School Library Media Programs in Maryland
  2. The supervisor for the school library media program completes a visit and submits a system wide report. 
  3. The state review team will go over the report and visit randomly-selected schools to generate a report of recommendations and commendations.


The school librarian continues to assess the progress of the media center through facility surveys, collection evaluation, participating in the School Improvement Teams and setting short and long term program goals and objectives.  


CCPS Media Handbook, section XI



Frederick County


Frederick County does not have a local form librarians use for facilities and program evaluation. All school libraries are evaluated using the evaluation forms in the Standards for School Library Media Programs in Maryland.  


For school librarians, administrators use the FCPS Evaluation for Media Specialists to assess the capabilities of the librarian.  


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