

Page history last edited by Kate Mills 14 years ago


Collaborative Partners


Lindsey Weaver is currently working as a special education instructional assistant at Tuscarora High School in Frederick, MD. In 2008, she graduated from Mount St. Mary's with a B.A. degree in English Education. She began the School Library Media Program at McDaniel College in the spring semester of 2010.  Along with SLM 501: School Library Administration, she is also taking SLM 504: YA Lit. 


Reflection on Project:

This has been a very informative assignment! Two weeks ago, I would not have been able to list very many aspect of a school library media handbook. Through the creation of the wiki, I was able to take a look at each component of the handbook and see the breakdown of each section. I have learned a bunch from this whole process. I will say that there were times when I was completely frustrated with this assignment. It was comforting to know that the other members of my group were experiencing similar frustrations. I feel we were able to work very well as a collaborative team; we each brought something different to the project. I have had a great experience working on this wiki with my group. 



Jen Vanik is a first grade teacher at Friendship Valley Elementary School in Carroll County.  She received her Bachelors in Early Childhood Education at Villa Julie College in 2006 and is currently working on her Masters degree in School Library Media at McDaniel College.  Jen's favorite past time with her students is reading!  Whether it be read aloud, reading groups, or DEAR time, encouraging a love for reading is her passion!


Reflection on Project:

What an adventure!  Wiki was completely new to me and the nerves began as soon as this assignment was posted.  Through the great collaboration of our group (using Wimba...also new to me!), the discussions posted on Blackboard, and the easy use of this space, I found our collaborative wiki assignment to be enlightening.  I not only learned some of the ins and outs of Wiki, but also the CCPS Library Handbook.  I can honestly say I have a better grasp on the many administrative tasks a school librarian holds.  I also understand policy and procedures of the CCPS library through the reading and interpreting of this handbook.  This assignment gave me a chance to get to know my future career just a little bit better!



Kate Mills is a high school English teacher and department chair at Oakdale High School in Frederick County. She received her B. A. in English and History from St. Mary's College of Maryland in 2004 and her M.A.T. in English Education from Towson University in 2005. She will complete her Masters degree in School Library Media at McDaniel College in 2011. She loves teaching and sharing her love of reading and research with her English students and hopes to continue this enthusiasm as a school librarian.


Reflection on Project:

Overall, I cannot believe the amount of information I have learned in regards to policies and procedures for school libraries.  I appreciate how this assignment required that we seek information on our own, not just from websites and online handbooks, but from individuals, living and breathing the profession. I have been in contact with my mentors, the county supervisor, and my wiki team throughout the past two weeks, and all were able to explain so much more than I could have understood from reading a handbook. While frustrating at times, this wiki project truly challenged my information-seeking skills, and I am glad that I now have so much more knowledge about the underworkings of school libraries.



Jamie Ridgely is currently teaching second grade at William Winchester Elementary for Carroll County Public Schools. She received her undergraduate degree in English and Elementary Education at McDaniel College in 2007. Her love of teaching and reading inspired her to return to school for a masters in School Library Media at McDaniel. She plans to complete the program in 2012.


Reflection on Project:

There are so many resources available to the school librarian; you just need to know where to look. Through this assignment, I have been able to locate a lot of that information for future reference. I also found comparing policies and procedures from various counties helpful with creating my personal philosophy for the school library. I also value my team that helped put this Wiki together and I hope that we can continue to collaborate and share ideas for the benefit of our students in years to come.



Kathy Richmond is currently working as a third grade team leader at Bushy Park Elementary.  She has been teaching for eight years and has taught both second and third grade. She received her undergraduate in Psychology from St. Mary's College of Maryland in 1999.  She completed her Masters of Arts in Teaching from Johns Hopkins in 2003.  She plans to complete the School Library Media Program at McDaniel College in 2012.


Reflection on Project: 

I see how this Library Handbook will be an invaluable resource during my first year as a school librarian.  Not only does it include information pertinent to my county, but I have access to ideas and resources from other school districts as well.  I hope that we can maintain this wikispace as a living document, where the six of us can continue to share information.



Sam Roller- is currently teaching at Bonnie Branch Middle School.  This is her fourth year teaching Special Education 6th grade English and Reading.  She received her undergraduate degree in General Special Education in 2005 from Bloomsburg University, in PA.  She is currently taking classes at McDaniel College in order to get her Masters in Library Science.  She plans on completing her degree in the fall of 2011.


Reflection on Project

This project has been a whirlwind of information!  I was very lucky to be working with my group-mates otherwise I would not have understood how to use this wiki.  I look forward to being able to come back to this space when I become a librarian.  The wealth of knowledge all of us brought to this project was nothing short of amazing.  Having participated with this group and this assignment has definitely helped me understand better what administrative duties I will be facing once I have my own library.  Having been able to share our information about policies and procedures with each other, opened my eyes to the differences and similarities between counties and even the same between schools in the same counties.  I am now even more appreciative of what librarians do on a daily basis and look forward to the challenge myself, when the time comes! 


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