

Page history last edited by Kathy 13 years, 11 months ago




Best Practices


Book and AV repair/replacement - Book repairs usually occur in-house, when salvageable. Book repairs are left up to the discretion of the school librarian.  If a book it is not repairable, the book can be replaced, as budget permits. This item is then added to the "items to be replaced" list and removed from circulation until further replacement. With any repair or replacement, the school librarian needs to consider whether the repair or replacement of worn books or AV equipment is worth the cost (Is the book still popular or necessary for county curriculum? Is the piece of equipment still a necessary item for the school library?). 


Suppliers' Guides on Book Repair:

Brodart Buyer's Guide

Highsmith Book Restoration



Disposition of Obsolete Library Media Books

  • School library books no longer suitable for circulation from the school library will be declared obsolete.
  • All obsolete school library books will be evaluated by the warehouse for resale or transfer to such agencies as may have use for such items.
  • Schools will not engage in resale of obsolete school library books.
  • Any funds generated by resale of obsolete library books will be considered revenue for the county library book account.
  • Any obsolete library media books that do not have market value will be considered for donation or shall be recycled in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Requests for donation of obsolete library media books based on emergency relief efforts shall be referred to the supervisor of media services for consideration and response.



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