Staff Responsibilities
Many people are needed to facilitate a school library. This includes, but is not limited to, a full time qualified school librarian, paraprofessionals, with student and adult volunteers. The jobs of aides and volunteers are to assist the school librarian in the everyday tasks of the library. As for student aides, remember that the tasks you assign should depend on the grade level and ability of the student. It is important to remember that all library staff should contribute to the full utilization of services, materials and resources offered to students and staff.
Job Title
School Librarian
Instructional Partner
Information Specialist
Program Administrator
- Collaborate with classroom teachers
- Acquire and evaluate resources
- Provide knowledge on ethical use of information
- Advocate reading
- Provide professional journals and resources to staff
- Analyze informational needs
- Provide information skills instruction
- Identify links between student need and curricular content
- Advocate for the program through attending school and district meetings
- Empower students to accept responsibility
- Works towards curriculum integration
- Plans, implements, evaluates with teachers
- Guide and directs all activities in the library
- Provide knowledge, vision, and leadership
Instructional Assistant
Point-In-Need Instructor
Circulation Attendant
Computer Support
Clerical Assistant
- Assist students and staff in the circulation of library materials, use of online catalogue and use of online databases
- Assist with student management and supervision of the media center
- Implement circulation policies and procedures
- Facilitate and assist in the used of instructional technologies
- Perform limited typing and other clerical duties include
- Shelve books
- Pull library materials that need mending, discarded or replaced
- Assist in training volunteers and new library assistants in circulation procedures
- Maintain budget records, recording data, and preparing reports
Student Aide
Circulation Helper
Book Repairer
- Shelve books
- Work circulation desk
- Run errands
- Deliver materials
- Completes minor paperwork
- Assist with book repairs and processing
Circulation Helper
Design Aide
Clerical Helper
Point-In-Need Instructor
- Check in/process/check out materials
- Shelve materials
- Arrange displays/bulletin boards
- File catalogs
- Laminate/photocopy materials
- Read to/with children
- Work with students
Staff Responsibility Documents:
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