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Library Class Schedules

Page history last edited by Jamie 13 years, 7 months ago


Scheduling Options



Example of Hours of Operation

Types of Schedules

Best Practices in Elementary Programs



Guidelines for School Library Hours


AASL guidelines state that the school librarian "ensures that library hours provide optimum access for learners and other members of the school community."  (American Association of School Librarians, Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs, Chicago: AASL, 2009.)  We believe that students and teachers should have physical access before, during, and after school hours. Opening the library a half hour before the school day and closing a half hour after the school day ends will allow students and teachers better access to the school library materials. Also, by maintaining a website with online resources the school librarian will provide virtual access that can be used after hours.



Example of Hours of Operation

From Frederick County   


Elementary: The media center will be open each day from 8:30 to 4:00. Students visit the media center on a weekly basis for library instruction and book exchange.  The media center is also open from 8:30 - 9:00 each weekday morning for independent student book exchange. (Ballenger Creek Middle School)


Middle: The media center will be open most days from 7:45 to 3:15. (Ballenger Creek Middle)


High: The media center will be open  from 7:15 to 3:30 Monday through Thursday and 7:15 to 2:45 on Friday. Students may use the Media Center before and after school to study, complete homework, research, and read. Optional evening and weekend hours are at the discretion of the school librarian. (Tuscarora High School)


Open Access. PDP.docx



Types of Schedules

 From  FCPS handbook 


Flexible Scheduling--Allows for students to use the library when needed by individuals, groups, and classes through mutual planning by the librarian and the classroom teacher to integrate information skills and literature into classroom curriculum.


Fixed Scheduling--Classes are assigned at a regular time each week. Often this is the teachers planning period.


Block Time Scheduling--Classes reserve a block of time for library use when they are working on a specific assignment. Teachers should accompany the class to the library and be available for assistance along with the librarian. (Used my most high schools)


Open Scheduling--Classes have no scheduled time. Individual students and classes are allowed to come to the library or be sent when they need to use library resources.




Blank Media Center Schedules





Best Practices for Scheduling Elementary Classes

From Howard County Elementary Exemplary Programs Document, Vision for Elementary Library Media Program


1. The school leadership team ensures that the library media center is flexibly scheduled to provide timely access to the library media program’s services, resources, and facilities.


2. The school leadership team ensures that one 45-minute period per week is dedicated for library media instruction for grades K–5, if a fixed schedule is necessary.


3. The school leadership team ensures that book exchange is scheduled as part of the library media class, not at a separate time. Additional time (beyond the 45 minute class) should not be added to the end of scheduled library media classes for book exchange or silent reading.


4. The school leadership team ensures that library media specialists do not teach regularly scheduled classes outside of the library media schedule.     


5. The school leadership team ensures that library media specialists are available in the library media center before, during, and after the school day. Library media specialists are not assigned to duties (lunch, bus, etc.) that remove them from the library media center.


6. The school leadership team ensures that library media classes are “sprinkled” only in grades 1 and 2.


7. The school leadership team ensures that library media paraeducators are available in the library media center before, during, and after the school day.



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